
Start advertising with OnionRanks. Customers are searching for hidden services like yours. OnionRanks helps your hidden service get found. Only Pay as you go.

How Much Does It Cost?

We cost US$ 0.08 per hour per hidden service. If you top up US$ 1.92 (US$ 0.08 * 24) in your account, our system will deliver your hidden service for a day.

The ads spent is calculated based on the total duration of active ad delivering. For example, if you activate your ad delivering at 01:30 and stop ad delivering at 02:00, the total ad delivering duration is 30 minutes, US$ 0.04 is deducted on your advertiser account credit only.

Payments made in bitcoin only to protect privacy of each other.

How OnionRanks Advertise Works

Your hidden service will be seen in our deep web version website.

  • Deep web version website:

Your hidden service will be seen in our homepage (top position), listing page (top position), and analytics page (top position).

Our advertise area are limited. If the advertise area limits to 3 hidden services at max, our system will randomly choose the hidden service to appear in the advertise area.

What do you expect

Your hidden service is estimated to receive 6k - 10k clicks per month (The result is based on the average of our traffic statistic. This result is not guaranteed that your hidden service receives same amount of traffic.).

You can try and deposit small amount of credit to your advertiser account. This ensures that you can calculate the best estimation of the clicks and conversions per month.

Ads tracking

Our system provides organic clicks and sponsored clicks data.

Organic clicks is defined as non-paid clicks. The clicks is not happened in advertise area. The destination page is analytics page.

Sponsored clicks is defined as paid clicks. The clicks is happened in advertise area. The destination page is redirect page, which redirects to your hidden service.

UTM attributes are attached to any external link automatically for your site tracking.

For organic clicks, ?utm_source=onionranks&utm_medium=organic params is attached to the external link.

For sponsored clicks, ?utm_source=onionranks&utm_medium=sponsored params is attached to the external link.

Get started

We offer trial to potential advertisers only. If you are interested in our advertise program, please email us below information to get started.

OnionRanks Email:

  • Hidden service you want to advertise
  • Thumbnail (size: 512px * 288px) - Thumbnail is optional. If the thumbnail is not provided, our system will use your website screenshot as thubmail.

If you prefer to communicate privately, you can use our PGP public key to encrypt your message. You can click here to view our PGP key.